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ONLY TO LOVE (fragment)

Only to love, to suffer, to die,
to burn, to be silent, not to deserve,
and to adore pain.
Oh, I die, I live,
I long for the sweet living
that comes from my dying.

With such respect
my affections adore,
that that very pain frightens me
not for its torment, but its clamor.

I am silent, I suffer and do not breathe,
because if I breathe, I fear
even a prostrated sigh
is offense to silence.

Even the heart completely suspends
from everything its vital movement,
so that the murmur does not perceive
the image in the breast.


Only to love, to suffer, to die,
to burn, to be silent, not to deserve,
and to adore pain.
Oh, I die, I live,
I long for the sweet living
that comes from my dying.

Juan de Tassis y Peralta
Conde de Villamediana
Translation by Carlos Serrano & Elisabeth Wright

Conde de Villamediana

español Versión original
inglés Translation by M. Vilas
Voice: José Marín Voice: José Marín

Voice: Raquel Andueza Voice: Raquel Andueza

partitura / partiture Partitura musical (Juan Hidalgo)

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