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Like a great rising sun it illumined my life
And my soul opened to drink it like a flower of dawn;
Love! Love! Blessed be the redeeming night
In which your florid little hand knocked at my door.

My soul pulsated in the shadow like a jarred harp:
The waters of silence already open, at dawn
It sang with its potent voice, mysterious and sonorous.
My gloomy soul was a sleeping star!

Today all the hope that I lamented as dead,
Emerges to the wingèd life of the bird that awakens
Inebriated with a joy strong as sorrow;

And all things shine and pulsate, everything awakens and sings,
As if the rosy canopy of its holy and living light
Opened upon the world the dawn of my love.


Delmira Agustini
Translation by Alejandro Cáceres

«El libro blanco» (1907)

español Original version

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Selected Poetry of Delmira Agustini: Poetics of Eros. Contributors: Alejandro Cáceres - editor, Willis Barnstone - unknown. Publisher: Southern Illinois University Press. Place of Publication: Carbondale, IL. Publication Year: 2003