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inventory of colour.

The horses have learned to read the world
in the glass fruits of their eyes.
Nudist colony of the white corals.
Chocolate derricks of the giraffes.
Claude Debussy is barely
the gramophone-needle of the rats.
Electric trains of the boa constrictors.
Sailor pants of the elephants.
Stravinsky, the puberty
of tomcats on the roofs in the full moon.
Metallurgy of bird-projectiles.

Copper cog-rack of the Iguana.
What mountain range rears up like the camels?
What liner branches up such spoutings as the whales?
Geodesy, wisdom of the snail.
The erudition of Marx is the soviet of the ants.
The penguins are the black-shirts of the sky.
Charlie Chaplin took his doctorate in antelope-leaping.
Nobody will solve the alebraic equation of a serpent X,
What British wet nurse better than the kangaroo,
where Freud learned to babble the libido?

Clock-shop of the oysters.
What fancy woman dresses in winter like the ermines?
Sunday suit of the penitentiary zebras.

The swift ostriches are automobiles of feather.
Spider, puppet of the crystal scaffolding.

And all this, that the bat may open the umbrella of night.


Gonzalo Escudero
Translation by Richard O'Connell

«Altanoche» (1947)

español Original version

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