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I find I'm in the chapel and condemned
to pass from life with no hope of relief.
I rue the cause more, even, than departure,
by hunger exiled like a man besieged.

The fault is in my being so unlucky;
in my timidity, fault greater yet.
I blame myself for both as I embark,
and I will leave at least having confessed.

May the sharp steel blade adjudge my fate,
which, though it's fine edge nears, still I may see
exalted mercy from your noble hand.

Since I have told you nothing of my shame,
I'll let the lines, sir, of this sonnet be
my tongue and tears and not a vain demand.


Luis de Góngora y Argote, 1623
Translation by Alix Ingber


facsímil Facsímil Manuscrito Chacón (1628) Tomo I. Poema CLIII.
ruso Перевод П. Грушко
español Original version

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