Asistentes Virtuales

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The lights of dawn
clear the way for roads that cross the night,
a new day approaches and you
will have to forsake me.

Now you rest beside me,
you dream that you have stayed forever,
you smile with the tranquility
of one who has no tricks to hide,

but light is already there,
even now the sparrows are wide awake,
the fluttering wings of life are heard
and announces our taking leave.

Because you have to go away
though neither of us want it,
you will leave in me a hollow
of terrifying dimension.

because depart from this land
and this body of mine, and from these kisses,
and I don't know what will happen to you,
nor if we'll see each other ever again.

The light arrives, I tell you farewell
without awakening you, sweetly,
later I lean down to your ear
to wish you good morning.


Jesús Munárriz
Translated by Dave Oliphant

«Esos tus ojos» (1981)

español Original version

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