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Rain all about the green country-side

Rain all about the green country-side
What peace! The water opens
and the November grass
is like pale diamonds

The sungoes out; from the cabin
of the orchard, it is possible to see the valley
more green, more aroma
more ideal of the past

Rain; white poplar
it gets dark; the pine grove
removes itself; everything is gray
melancholy and fragrant

And the aching sunset
rise wander clearness
mauve, roses, yellow
of soft-as-silk and of the crystals...

Oh the rain is all about the green country-side!
What peace! In the air
the wet aromas come
of the violet autumn


Juan Ramón Jiménez
Translation by Frijole

«Pastorales» / Pastorales con Dios (1903-1905)

español Original version

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